IGBK online workshop and digital conference on the work, visions and networking of artists' residencies in selected regions.
Project leaders: María Linares, Andreas Schmid and Moira Zoitl from the IGBK board.
Partners: Archiv der Avantgarden (Dresden, GER) | AXENÉO7(Gatineau, CAN) | Caitlind Brown (Calgary, CAN) | Casa Tres Patios(Medellín, COL) | Casa Gallina (Mexico City, Mexico) | Easttopics (Budapest, HUN) | El Parche (Bogotá, COL) | Gasworks/ Triangle Network (London, UK) | GeoAIR (Tbilisi, GE) | KIOSKO Galería (Santa Druz de la Sierra, BOL) | Lugar a dudas (Cali, COL) | Museo Do Mato (Bahía, Brazil) | TEOR/éTica (San José, CRI) | Union House Arts (Port Union, CAN) | ZAMEK Culture Centre (Poznań, POL) | Zona Imaginaria (Buenos Aires, ARG)
onAIRISM — challenges and transitions
10.11.2021 bis 11.11.2021